Short Story Title: The Queen of Shadows
Series: Cirsova #2
Release Date: March 2017
Authors: Jay Barnson, Adrian Cole, Lynn Rushlau, S H Mansouri, Briak K Lowe, Misha Burnett, Michael Tierney, Louise Sorensen, James Hutchings, Schuyler Hernstrom
Genre: Fantasy
Buy the Book: Amazon
Spring 2017 special Eldritch Earth issue.
Burroughsian adventure on a prehistoric Lovecraftian Earth.
- The First American, by Schuyler Hernstrom
Short Stories
- War of the Ruby/Shapes In the Fog, by Brian K. Lowe
- Darla of Deodanth, by Louise Sorensen
- In the Gloaming O My Darling, by Misha Burnett
- The Queen of Shadows, by Jay Barnson
- Beyond the Great Divide, by S.H. Mansouri
- Through the Star-Thorn Maze, by Lynn Rushlau
- The Bears of 1812, by Michael Tierney
- A Killing in Karkesh, by Adrian Cole
- My Name is John Carter (Pt. 4), by James Hutchings
Also in this series: